“Opou Giorgos ke malama” A theatrical-musical performance dedicated to the poet-composer George Mitsakis in a dramaturgical treatment by George Makris based on the book “George Mitsakis: Autobiography” by Nikos Economou. Performed from March 2017 to December 2017 at the Multicultural center “dieleusis”. Directed by Annie Loulou. Actors Annie Loulou and Aristogeiton Kotsas. Musicians: Spiros Goumas bouzouki, song, George Makris song, Sophia Kontaratou song, George Charatsis bouzouki, Kostas Tryfonopoulos guitar, song and Photini Karababa baglama.
Live media interview for the international rebetiko seminar-meeting in Skyros Island
Live media interview “Parapetamenoi” May 14, 2017 for the international rebetiko seminar-meeting in Skyros Island by George Kiousis. View the full interview here