Interview for Seminar-Meeting in Skyros

Interview for Seminar-Meeting in Skyros” “105.5 in red” 23-06-2013 in the program of George Xylouris with songs and discussion in the live broadcast.
Footprints of rebetiko in Piraeus Neighborhoods

Radio interview of Spiros Goumas, George Makris and Thanasis Vlachos 13-9-2014 at “105.5 in red” by Alexis Vakis.
Tribute to the Parapetamenoi band

Radio interview by George Makris and George Charatsis on “Sports FM” Thanasis Lazaridis radio program at 19-4-2015.
Memories of Sounds

At the portokaliradio program “Memories of Sounds” 4-2-2016 Kostas Giannakopoulos hosted George Makris on the occasion of the event “Footprints of rebetiko in Piraeus neighborhoods”.
Tribute to the Rebetiko songs during the II World War and Occupation

George Makris interview with the “Parapetamenoi” at “105.5 on red” 25-10-2018 by Thanasis Lazaridis in the “Remains of a Day” program.
“Tribute rebetiko seminar on Skyros”

Two-hour radio interview at “105.5 in red” by Thanasis Lazaridis 26-7-2019 with talk and live rebetiko music with “Parapetamenoi”
“Once Upon at Lemonadika”

Radio interview of George Makris of “Parapetamenoi” at “105.5 on red” 22-11-2019 by Thanasis Lazaridis on the radio program “The remains of a Day”.