Tribute: “The woman in rebetiko and folk song”

Tribute: “The woman in rebetiko and folk song”. Organized by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality and the Equality Research Center. With the bouzouki solist Spyros Goumas and the “Parapetamenoi”. Wednesday, March 9, 2016, “Aliko” cultural center at Psiri Square.
A musical journey on Greek Urban popular song: Rebetiko, Smyrna song

A musical journey on Greek Urban popular song: Rebetiko, Smyrna song and related Genres. Organized by Tomer Katz for a group of Israel. With live music by solist Spiros Goumas and the rebetiko ensemble “Parapetamenoi” (neglected ones). December,4 2015 “ARION” Hotel, Athens Greece.
Seminar / Concert Rebetiko: The Greek Urban Folk Music of the 20th Century

Seminar / Concert Rebetiko: The Greek Urban Folk Music of the 20th Century. In 30 April 2015 we had a tribute to the Rebetiko song at the Bosporus University, invited by the MIAM ILHAN USMANBAS Hall, Istanbul and in 1st and 2nd May 2015 we played two concerts at the Gitar café Kadıköy, Istanbul
Rebetiko’s Footprints in Piraeus Neighborhoods

“Rebetiko’s Footprints in Piraeus Neighborhoods”. 21 and 22, March 2014 we presented a tribute to the “Rebetiko’s Footprints in Piraeus Neighborhoods” at the Piraeus Municipality’s Gallery and September 15, 2014 at the Museum’s garden of Greek Folk Instruments. The texts material collected and presented by Thanasis Vlahos. Spyros Goumas: music editing, bouzouki and song, Kostas […]
Concert of the 11th high school-Nikaia

Concert of the 11th high school-Nikaia with the participation of the dancing group, the choir of the same school as well, with the supervision of the musician Nikos Grigoriadis and the musical group “Paratapamenoi” with the bouzouki master Spiros Goumas. The concert took place on June 14, 2014 at Nikaia’s Garden Theater and was dedicated […]
Music events

Music events March 10, 2013 and September 20, 2013 in collaboration with the Egaleo Municipal’s Philharmonic, the Choir and the Dance Group of the Hellenic Center for Folk Studies EL.KE.LA.M, “Parapetamenoi” played rebetika songs in central square of the city and “Alexis Minotis” theater respectively.
A tribute to the bouzouki master Spiros Goumas

A tribute to the bouzouki master Spiros Goumas organized by Paris Mitsou in the music scene “1002 nights” March 19, 2013 with “Parapetamenoi” band.
Urban folk music (rebetiko and folk song)

A seminar for four consecutive Sundays, from January 13, 2013 to February 3, 2013, at “Fivos Anogianakis” Museum of Greek Folk Music in collaboration with the Association of Friends of the Greek Folk Music Museum. The main subject of the seminar was a historiography of rebetiko and cover 4 periods Smyrnaean heritage, “Piraeus” period, Censorship […]
From Homer to Markos

June 19 and 20, 2011 at the hall of “Parnassos Philological Association”. The aim of the presentation was focused on the unity of Greek music from antiquity to the present period. The effort supported with a Byzantine Choir, a group specialized on traditional music and our rebetiko group “Parapetamenoi”.
Press publica: “The nostalgy of a rebetis”

Press publica George Makris: «The nostalgy of a rebetis» by George Kiousis March 21, 2016 View the full interview here